Галерея 2024-3 / Gallery 2024-3

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Молча говорить / Speaking Silently - Educational group of modern dance Academy, Tyumen (photo A. Piletsky)

Лотерея ответственности / Responsibility Lottery - Dance Company River, Samara (photo А. Vronsky)

Место под солнцем / A Place under the Sun - Pop Dance Workshop of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts (photo A. Piletsky)

Сотворим мир / Let's Create the World - Folk Choreographic Group Alesya, Mogilev (photo A. Piletsky)

Выгравированнное дыхание / Engraved Breath - Wuxi Song and Dance Theater (Ethnic Dance Theater of Jiangsu Province), China (photo I. Gusakov)

Красота / Beauty - joint project of the modern choreography troupe of the Belarusian State Youth Theater and the Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet Theater (G.Dubinin)

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