Галерея 2017 - 3 / Gallery 2017 - 3

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Человеки/People - A joint project of theatre-studio of modern choreography of Diana Yurchenko and Marina Kushnerova project “Self Handwriting”, Vitebsk

Ловцы. Футуристическая фантазия о времени/Catchers. Futuristic Fantasy about Time - “Structurers”, Minsk

Сны Офелии/Ophelia’s Dreams - Evgeniya Nikolaychuk project, Minsk

Игры разума/Mind Games (LabirinthUm) - Contemporary Dance Workshop under the direction of Mikhail Kaminsky (Belarusian State University of Art and Culture), Minsk

Смотри, а то услышишь.../Look, or You'll Hear… - Theatre-studio of modern choreography of Diana Yurchenko, Vitebsk

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