
Meander – a geometrical ornament in the form of a twisting tape which has been known since the Bronze Age. It was used in Etruscan, Ancient Greek, ancient Roman and Byzantine architecture. Meander decorated the hem of clothes. In a meander-like tape of an ornament the ancient people saw a deep magic meaning, it reflected the flow of human life. The direct line symbolized virtue. Meander consists of right angles which give to lines additional rigidity and stability. Meander also symbolizes eternity: the aging creatures are replaced by young people and thus become immortal.
It is no wonder that there are so many meanings and interpretation that are enclosed in meander. The geometrical drawing, in fact, represents a labyrinth – and labyrinths, since the most ancient times, bewitched mankind. The concept of labyrinth has found its expression in three various forms: labyrinth as a literary motive, labyrinth as a graphic representation (drawing), labyrinth as a certain sequence of movements (dance).
Many researchers consider that it is a dance that was the primary and most direct way of embodiment of the idea of labyrinth as the movements of a body are a primary, most direct way of expression. Two other forms of labyrinth, graphic and literary, are attempts to fix the transitory movements of dance.
It is considered that meander designates also the movement of the Sun, sunrise and sunset. It is also a body of Mother Earth where the center designates divine purity and to reach the Center means to get back to the roots. The unbroken line of meander is an eternity, infinite duration and immortality; the thread conducting to the sky which has connected everything in this world.
Everyone who has got inside a meander should proceed on the winding track which "turns itself", constantly changing the direction. The path fills all internal space and follows by a circuitous route. It several times passes by the Center, but inevitably turns to the Center where it ends. However, only the worthy can reach the Center, having the necessary knowledge. On this path it is possible to enter a different world, but after having entered – it is very difficult to leave it. The footpath in meander is a knot which needs to be untied, danger which needs to be overcome, destiny which you choose and which chooses you.