Press 2019. Anna Karenina
Tatyana Matveeva, November 19, 2019 - published with reductions

At IFMC-2019 in Vitebsk “Anna Karenina” without words was shown. After the performance the audience was invited to meet with the director Anželika Cholina. Art and theater critic Tatyana Kotovich ran this meeting:
- We saw with you a complete work, accurately adjusted in every second of stage time. This is a completely original interpretation of not only the plot of the novel by Leo Tolstoy, but also the female image. Probably, young girls in the audience and women with great life experience had their own score for life, happiness and suffering of the main character. I think that at today's performance everyone had the state of a 'breaking heart'. And I want to express my sincere gratitude both as a viewer and as a critic to Anželika Cholina for this incredible work.

After that the audience could ask questions.
- Everywhere the death of Anna Karenina is shown on a large scale, a lot of scenery is involved and fateful music sounds. You showed her passing as remorse. Why?
- “It was important for me to make the final scene without a train”, said Anželika Cholina. “For some reason, it always comes out on stage everywhere. And it seems to me that society is the train. And we are the train for each other. Think about how we communicate and how we judge each other. You cannot do this. It turns out that we all 'drive through' each other’s soul. And I wanted to say by this work: people, be kinder. We can’t say that one of the heroes of Tolstoy's novel is a negative or positive character. They just do not know how to live. We all learn to live, make mistakes. The human nature is arranged so, that human does not succeed fully. And if we realize this, we will not complain that we are unhappy.